We're introduced to a society where big decisions (vocation, hometown, life partner) are made for the citizens and the small decisions (leisure activities, the color of an outfit) are limited to a few, approved, options. Cassia is our heroine and she's just become "matched" or "engaged to be married because Society has determined that, genetically and emotionally, coupling with this person will be optimal" to her best friend Xander. Problem is there's this other guy...
It's all very Hunger Games, but less gritty and less real. Condie has too much happen too fast and I never knew enough about Xander to ever really care that Cassia was throwing him over for the desirably tragic Ky. This is a proposed trilogy and, because I love love -- especially young adult fiction love -- I will likely read them. But this first installment feels so much more thin than I know dystopian love triangles should.