Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Danny the Champion of the World (Roald Dahl)


Danny idolizes his father, his only parent -- and rightly so.  His father clearly adores Danny and enjoys his company.  There's a story before bed every night, days spent learning about Dad's business (auto shop), midnight feasts, and amazing crafts like kite making and fire lantern launches.

But Dad's also a poacher. It's totally OK, though!  The man who owns the land from which Dad poaches is a real jerk who once treated Danny like the help when Danny came out to wait on him at the service station.  So, you know, if a guy's a jerk, stealing from him's fine!  Plus all of the "cool" people in town poach from him too (or at least happily cover up poaching activity): the doctor, the reverend and his wife, and even the local cop.

I'm not sure why this book left a bad taste in my mouth.  It's lightweight and good-natured, and I definitely don't have a problem "sticking it to the man."  But there was just something unseemly about the blatant thumbs-up given to thievery.  It was as though, as long as you're affable, anything you do to an asshole should be excused and even celebrated.  I'm taking this way too seriously, I know.

But anyway, it was a quick read but not a particularly memorable one.