Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Conversation Piece (Bret Nicholaus and Paul Lowrie)


This is basically a collection of questions to get people talking.  The problem is that too many of them are similar (if you were a migrating bird, where would you fly for the winter...if you could celebrate Christmas with family and friends anywhere in the world, where would it be...), many have been asked before (if you could have any superpower, what would it be...what is your least favorite food), and several just aren't interesting/fun to answer or don't tell much about the answerer (if you could design a firework, what kind of explosion would it make....if you owned a clock shop, to what time would you set the hands). Better are the questions that make you think (what job could you not be paid enough to do...if you were blind but could see for one hour a week, how would you spend that hour), but they make up a small percentage of the questions.

What I found to be most annoying about this book is that it seems to assume that no one has had a good conversation without it.  The introduction advises us to "watch the fun begin" after reading a question aloud and tells us that we now have a "real opportunity" to have thought-provoking and fun conversations.  I don't think it's completely useless, but even Zobmondo (the "would you rather" game), with its outrageous forced-choice scenarios, has led to more enlightening and lively conversations than this book is likely to.
