Friday, January 13, 2012

Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Jeff Lindsay)


I'm a fan of the series (well, except for this last season...I mean, what the heck?  Colin Hanks as a schizophrenic religious nut serial killer?  Ugh.  But I digress).  This book makes me marvel at the creative minds that could take this ridiculous mess and turn it into a compelling series.

I've been annoyed by Dexter's unnecessary voice-overs in the series, but they get downright insane in the book.  Also, everyone is good looking (Dexter most of all), character quirks are repeated ad nauseam (Angel is NEVER "Angel" but "Angel-no-relation" -- extra annoying as I never got that joke, even after a dozen repetitions), and the writing is about at the level of a high schooler who got decent grades in his creative writing course, but had to deal with notes in red from his teacher that said things like "watch the repetition!" and "make sure the reader doesn't have to completely suspend disbelief...there should be at least one relatable character as an 'in'!"
I couldn't wait to be done, so thank goodness it was a quick read.